
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Yesterday I saw one or two hoverflies for the first time this year, in our local arboretum. This one was resting on a plum flower. Rather than try to get everything in focus, I let the flowers form a backdrop.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome.

Technical Details

OM-1 + 60mm macro 1/250 f7.1 ISO 200

Cropped in and removed a distracting bud. Tonal tweaks in PS, esp. reduced vibrance on the flowers. Final sharpening with Noiseware.


Mike, that is a fine look at this Hoverfly. Nice and sharp. The BG makes it and the flowers stand out nicely. The flowers are just enough oof to make it all about the Hoverfly. Nicely done.

Sorry for being late in commenting, my husband has been in the hospital getting a pacemaker put in. We just got home this evening. Been pretty crazy the last four days. Probably going to still be now that he is 24/7 for me to care for. He is asleep so I am trying to catch up.

@Shirley_Freeman - thank you so much for looking and commenting. Your situation puts everything in perspective. The people who care for us and who we care for are what really matters. And so does our wonderful hobby/craft - call it what you will - which keeps us a bit more grounded and balanced when what really matters seems to be in danger. Here’s wishing your husband a speedy recovery so you can both get back to enjoying life to the full.

@Mike_Friel this is so well done. The hoverfly is really sharp and really stands out well with the slightly OOF flowers.

@Shirley_Freeman, sorry to hear your husband had to have surgery. I hope he gets well soon, and hope you can find time for you in the middle of caring for him. I really appreciate the time and thoughtfulness you put into being a moderator for us. Thank you, hang in there.

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Thank you, @Ed_Williams for your kind words. He is gaining strength today so hopefully he will continue to improve.

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Mike: Knowing how small these little guys are I think this is exceptional and for me the flowers being slightly OOF is a huge plus. Keeps the attention on the fly and the marvelous details and adds some wonderful color and context. Most excellent.>=))>

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