
Macro photography became an integral part in my photography as it takes me totally a different world. Used to spot these at different locations in my home town which is has a tea plantations. Don’t bother that much even when I go closer. But the fly sitting on the leaf is not tea leaf.

Specific Feedback Requested

Wanted critical feedback in further improving my techniques and approach

Technical Details

Canon 70 D with 100 mm macro. Aperture = f/8, shutter speed = 1/12, ISO =2000. I set ISO in auto mode.

Hi, Thiraviyam Thank you for posting. You have handled the overall composition exceptionally well. It’s always difficult to know when composing how much of the additional vegetation should be included; a problem I often have myself. I think in this case I would have had a tighter crop as there is a lot of green space on the right since the insect is relatively small. The good thing is you can remove part of it. Historically macro images were always composed tight in the frame. In recent times that approach is not as popular and species in relation to their environment are more in vogue. It’s an excellent shot and I like it but a little reduction on the right side would I think help it! Thank you for your submission.

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Hi @thiraviyam. It’s interesting to me that @Robert_Thompson noted what I have noted about my own photography so many times: How much of the environment to leave in and what to take out? I often tend to leave a lot in. I said all that to say I don’t mind the extra vegetation, but perhaps all that green leaf on the right might be toned down a bit? The fly is in great focus and nicely exposed. Nicely done.

Welcome, @thiraviyam! I think you will find this a friendly and helpful place to hang out. This is a very nice post, with an interesting subject, sharp and well posed, in a pleasing environment. One good way to keep attention on the subject is to keep minor distractions away from the frame edges. In this post you could consider removing the tiny sliver of a leaf on the upper edge and the piece in the LR corner. Easy clone jobs, or crops if you prefer.

A polarizer can be a good way to reduce glare on leaves, as can the Highlights slider in a raw converter. You might consider toning down the exposure a bit on the right side of the frame, with a softly graduated adjustment, as the brighter area there draws the eye a bit away from the subject.

You got good DOF (depth of field) on the fly at f/8, but in many cases you might need even more. The problem, of course, is needing a longer SS or higher ISO, and getting too much detail in the BG. A frustrating balance that worked out well here.

Hi Milller thank you so much for your critical feedback and all of them will extremely useful in taking my macro photography to next level. Surely I will think of a polarized lens cover