Captured this during a morning nature at a site where I usually spot different species of insects. I personally love the background and angle in which I was able to capture the bee. I also kept negative space on the left to keep the bee more prominent.
Specific Feedback Requested
Critical feedback how I could done better
Technical Details
Canon 70 D with 100 mm macro lens. Mode = Aperture priority. Aperture - f/8, shutter speed - 1/160, ISO - 1250, focal length - 100 mm, hand held.
I like the angle and framing, too. However you’ve got a fly on your hands here, not a bee. Check out those legs and feet - very fly-like, ditto the eyes and mouthparts. I especially like the one foot hanging off the leaf. One thing I might do in post is to make the leaf in the background under it more green so it doesn’t pull the eye as much. You might also lower the green luminosity of the background leaves. I’d also try to raise the color and texture in the fly itself. You’ve got some nice sharpness and detail there and we want to see it all!!
Very nice capture, and I agree with @Kris_Smith in her ID that it is a fly rather than a bee. She also provided some very nice suggestions to improve the shot. I can’t think of anything to add to that. Wonderful details in the subject for sure.
Hi Smith thank you so much for making the corrections and your critical feedback in further improving the object. I need to learn more about Photo Shop and will focus on that