
The Sharp-shinned Hawk visited a couple of times when I happened to be looking out the window yesterday. My cameras are kept in our “office” with a sliding door onto the back porch and I can crack one of the doors and get a clear view of the feeding station where it was perched. This guy is used to me and the camera and after a few shots I can step into the back yard and get closer/change angles (I’ve gotten lots of wet socks that way).

Specific Feedback Requested

Anything. I’m not sure about the processing on this one-does it look a little “muddy”?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
A7Riv, FE200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, hand held, f/9, 1/1600, iso 1000, manual exposure. I brought the background up 2/3 stop in processing because it was almost black (distant unlit fir trees). Minor adjustments on the bird and perch. Taken yesterday at 4:08 pm.


I find lifting the midtones in a curve layer helps when things look muddy to me.

but wow, what a great intense aspect to this hawk. Not that raptors ever look relaxed. Those shins certainly are sharp. Hardly looks as if they’ll support the bird or hold onto prey!

He is sure intent on something. What was he staring at? I don’t know about “muddy”, Dennis but I don’t think it’s tack sharp. I wonder if this has something to do with the feather pattern on Sharp-shinneds? I’ve noticed on some of my Sharp-shinned photos that those feathers don’t always look sharp and clear, though the rest of the bird is. His head looks great.

Hi Dennis, nice pose with an intense stare. Feather detail looks fine to me. Pleasing background and I like the lichen on the perch. Nice catch.

Looks good to me, Dennis. Interesting, species looks quite like our Sparrow Hawk. Typical pose as I know ours. Well done, Hans