Foggy morning at the Laguna

For whatever interest it may be worth, here is a different composition I shot before the one posted above, and then two shot after – the middle one was just 2 minutes later, as the light was changing rapidly.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On the latest deletion binge I found some from 2008 with the ancient Canon 5D. They were pretty flat and I updated them to the newest Process in LR. I was able to bring out much nicer tonalities and color without even resorting to any of the new tools.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-10-24 at 11.51.03 AM

LR for some simple global color and tone adjustments. Into PS for minor NR and cloning a few distractions on the left edge (an intruding branch), a hint of a jet trail in the UR and in the grass. Very minor crop from both sides for composition.


Very ethereal image Diane. I love the light and subtle color. I am on the fence about the hanging branch since it interrupts the overall scene. The fog of course adds so much atmosphere.

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Thats a nice shot Diane. Fun to go back and redo old images. I think about doing that at times but have not delved into them as much as i would like. I was unsure about the branch at first, but as i looked at it i think it adds some nice foreground. I think without it the right side of the photo would feel empty.

I am on the fence about hanging branch. At first I thought that this perfectly balances the scene which in fact it does but it also clashes with the soft textures and tonalities of the rest of the image. But I also have to say that I kind of like the shocking abruptness of those sharp details in an otherwise soft, atmospheric scene. I have to say that it makes me keep loooking at it while I’m trying to decide so that can’t be a bad thing can it? :slight_smile:

What an intriguing image. The branch in the foreground immediately caught my eye. I like it as it is not something you would expect and helps make this unique. Perhaps there is a story behind it as well? Wonderful cool/warm contrast and atmospheric fog.

Ok Diane. Do we have to have a talk about deleting without permission? You need to screen these photos with us first before tossing them into the void. This is so distinctive that I can’t believe you ignored it for so long. Arcane somehow. No more deleting for you until you get a hall pass!

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What a great find Diane! I too sometimes go back and process my old images. When I look at this, I am immediately drawn to the fence, light, and the tree on the left side of the image. The overhanging branch is cool but I think it competes too much with the rest of the frame. My inclination would be to crop this image (and then clone out the little bit of overhanging branch that remains) into a simpler composition. Maybe something along the lines of this:


OK, I love it. Quirky. There’s a conversation between that branch and the distant tree.

The only nit I see is a vague dark shadowing around the foreground branch.

Thanks, @Eva_McDermott, @Cameron_Wilcox, @David_Haynes, @DeanRoyer, @Kris_Smith, @Tom_Nevesely and @Bonnie_Lampley! I shot about 6 slightly different compositions here, and they have languished for lack of a good way to pull out the color and tonal detail way back then. But the tools have evolved for sure, as have the monitors, so when I find something that looks promising the rest of the day is usually shot. (But I assure you, Kris, that at least half the files residing on my hard drives are candidates for mercy killing.) I was going to post some here but I see the next challenge is fog so maybe I’ll put a couple of the similars here and the one that is more different there.

The first one is my favorite by far, but for me that hanging branch just interrupts the magical mood with the early morning light and ground fog. Just my opinion of course. I really like what @Tom_Nevesely did with a rework. I am glad you decided to rework this rather than deleting it because the atmospherics are simply gorgeous.

Thanks, @Ed_Lowe! I think I have a thing about this kind of branches – this is a Valley Oak, which occupies a somewhat limited (and trashed by modern civilization) ecosystem. (Choice: these trees or shopping centers and trailer parks…) In comparison to them, most of the trees around here are just plain ugly.

I’ll post one without the tree (the first one I shot when I walked into this area) in the next Challenge.

Coming back around to this and I still favor the original image by a wide margin although I love the quirkiness of most of them. I’m constantly reminded by images like these to go back through the hard drive and find stuff I just missed or never had time to get to. I have discovered entire photo shoots that I simply never got around to and forgot about. Sheesh. The times we’re in. :grin:

Many thanks, and so true, @David_Haynes! We all have gold mines, especially with today’s processing.

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I love the mood, mist & colors! I kind of like the branch; it’s almost like it’s presenting the tree to you, much like people do with their hands. Then there is one longer piece of brush pointing right at the tree. Well done!

Thanks, @rod2 – it was a great morning!