Magic Morning at the Laguna

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The conditions that give this sort of wonderful light here are rare – a large winter rain to fill this low-lying area, followed by overnight clearing before too much water drains out, with cold-enough temperatures and very calm air to give ground fog. And even then the best conditions don’t always happen. I’ve been disappointed many trips, a few times not even getting out of the car. But when it’s good it’s really good. This light lasted about another minute and that was it. This is a 30x30 metal print on a prominent wall. Also on a friend’s wall – he saw it and wanted an identical copy.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

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Not much done here – a crop from the sides, obviously, some tonal work in LR and a very slight water surface cleanup in PS.

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It’s a bit of an odd arrangement, but is compelling, too, maybe for that reason. The mist is fabulous and I like that there isn’t so much that we have a much more limited dynamic range. The near trees look good that dark especially because they are of such different forms and shapes. Pretty sweet.

Thanks, @Kris_Smith! There is about a 10 ft wide x 15 ft deep (back from the water’s edge) area where anyone can stand to shoot this view. That’s it! A drone might be great!

Diane, this is a lovely image! The mist with the sun’s light diffused by it is perfect. At first, I wasn’t sure about the tree on the right. It seemed out of place but I decided it fits in well in that it is a natural part of the scene. Sometimes, I can be too quick to want to eliminate something that seems to be a distraction, but it does work — I find my eye traveling from the dark tree on the left down to its reflection, to the sun’s reflection, around and up the right side to the sun, then back down. It’s engaging and intriguing. Very nice! And peaceful.

This is wonderful! At first I thought the horizon was a bit wonky, but then I realized it’s not a horizon at all, more of a misty edge. The two darkest trees frame the sun’s reflection beautifully. And the rippling on the water is very sweet. A haunting image!

Thanks, @Susanna_Euston and @Mike_Friel! The crop was a difficult choice, as the tree on the right is part of a boring line that goes on and on with no clear or interesting break.

The “horizons” here are always difficult as there is more variability in the distance of the vegetation than is obvious. And I’m shooting over a fence which limits how low I can get, but it’s getting old and ragged and next time there I should see if I can find a spot under it, now that I have an articulating back screen. Otherwise I’d be on my knees in goppy mud.