It’s not overhyped to me – and I live close enough to it to see it rolling in over the hills of southern Marin County, where both of our daughters live, and from Bolinas, where our son-in-law’s parents live, and I never thought to do a very long exposure of it!!
I think it is lovely and unusual!
But in the enlarged version there is a strange high-frequency pattern that may have come from noise reduction? Was the fog area underexposed to hold highlights in the sky, and brought up in post enough to have caused noise? If so, what NR (and other) software did you use? Camera information is also helpful in this regard, as different bodies have different noise characteristics, and software deals with noise differently. I suspect the issue can be dealt with by using a different processing approach, and I think the image is well worth a redo.
Diane, I’m curious about your comment re: the “strange high-frequency pattern.” Would you provide a bit more detail about a spot in the image where you notice more than others? I think I might know what you mean, but I’m not sure. An example would help. In the spirit of learning something new, I’d really appreciate more insight into how/where you saw that. Thanks!
I zoomed in to the highest resolution and see a uniform odd pattern throughout the area covered by the fog. High frequency means very small – I wouldn’t have noticed it in a lower resolution image but it isn’t the sort of thing I see in today’s processing.
I would so love to be able to be there and see this. The waves of fog are amazing, especially topped by the beautiful sunset. I have no idea about competition submission as it is not something I do, but I would never get tired of seeing this. Nice image.
@Subha_Joshi , I really enjoy the serene feeling of this image. The color scheme and balance between the sky and fog is very nice. You are fortunate to have such a great natural phenomenon close at hand! I can see the noise that @Diane_Miller mentioned, by zooming into to the highest resolution, but that is probably fixable. For me, the bigger issue is the composition. There’s fog and sky, but not much else. They are very pleasing, but “unfocused” in a compositional sense. Your comp has a Z pattern in the fog layer, but it’s cut off on the left. Do you have any wider versions? Also, and this would probably require going back to Mt. Tam, but having a few trees or hilltop or some other contrasting object somewhere in the fog layer would really put this one over the top for me.
Interesting take on the Z pattern. I never thought of it that way. I don’t mind just the fog and sky, but I will look for a wider shot. I do believe I have some . Thanks for your comment