Forset Contrasts

Hello everyone! I was feeling super inspired to go out and shoot after listening to the latest @Matt_Payne (Fstop, Collaborate and Listen podcast) discussion with some of my absolute favorite photographers. Although, the weather and lighting conditions were not your typical ideal conditions for landscape photography, I still had a great time just going out with my camera, my dog and no expectations!

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any and all.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any and all.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Nikon D810, Nikkor 80-200mm lens. F2.8-1/1250. ISO 100

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Very moody, Jesse. I like the concept of this shot and I like the contrast between the white tree trunks in the FG and the darker pine trees in the BG. I think as a whole I am looking for more at the bottom. The white trees appear to me as the main subject of the image and I feel that it’s being cut off. A vertical composition would look really nice, too.

Hey Jesse,

I really like what you got going on here. I agree with @Adhika_Lie on the vertical comp!

The current landscape composition is nice as well. If you were to center that tree that commands most of the attention and crop the image dead in the center, I feel like it would really balance and complete the image. Love the processing you performed.

Great stuff!

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Very nice shot. I wonder if it would do anything for it if it were to have some of the top edge area cropped off, and bring up the shadowy area for a little more clarity… just a touch?

Thank you! I really like the idea of a vertical crop! I am going to try that. Unfortunately the snowy ground is just below the crop so there really isn’t anymore at the bottom I would like to include.

You are right! I think the vertical crop is the way to go. It will definitely help with the balance of this image.

I am a big fan of dark shadows but I may have went a bit too far on this one lol. Thank you for the input!!

Jesse, I think you created a very moody image here, I like it. It has a very somber, foreboding feeling to it. I actually like where you placed the bottom of the frame edge, I think that not showing the base of the white trees creates a more graphic, abstract type image. @Adhika_Lie and @Martin_Gonzalez have suggested a vertical composition that centers the dominant tree, and I think that would place more emphasis on that tree. As currently composed, I think the tree on the far right competes with the center tree a bit. But I would not do a vertical in 3:2 aspect ratio, I would recommend a square crop like this.


Thanks Ed! I’ve been playing with a vertical crop and I want it to work so bad but something feels off. I wish the trees on the right edge were taller! lol You might be right going with a more square crop.

Here is my updated edit. I couldn’t get the vertical crop to work. As much as I wanted it to. . . It just wasn’t working. I rotated the image a little to make the Aspen on the right edge to appear taller and hopefully that helped balance the image a little. I also brought out some more detail in the shadows which I think helped this image a lot.

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Love the ghost;y trees Jesse. I do like you repost better though.

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@Jesse_Brown_Nelson Great image. I really like this tighter crop, but I personally liked the mood of the ghostly pines created by the stronger vignette in the original. I also enjoy the very subtle green which almost makes this look like a black and white. I did notice a few random red leaves in the larger version that could possibly be desaturated.