Ghost Tree

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It’s been a while since I posted anything here…
I spotted this very old (dead) tree while on a walk near my home and I made a mental note to bring my camera with me the next time and so on my second visit, I shot this.

Specific Feedback

I’m curious in you general impression of the image - does it work for you?
Also, does the “spotlight” of brighter light on the snow in the center bother you?

Technical Details

Panasonic LX-100, 35mm (equivalent), 1/1000 sec, f/5.6

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Not at all. I think the white foreground makes the ghost tree stand out even more and gives it greater impact. I really like this image a lot and it’s the sort of image that I look for. It clearly has an impact on the viewer. Just as you found it arresting and for the same reasons we also pause and look at it repeatedly. It has a psychological effect, and in that sense it is more than what we see.

This works beautifully for me and the spotlight only accentuates that dead tree IMO. I like the fact that the colors are subdued are perfectly handled for this somber scene. For me it is a story about passing with grace.

Thank you @Igor_Doncov and @Ed_Lowe for your feedback and for taking the time to comment! Sometimes I’m not sure if my post processing results in the feel I am looking for so it’s great to get some other opinions. :slight_smile:

This feels like an homage to the continued dignity of an elder. On first look, I didn’t even notice the area of brighter snow, but now that I read your questions, I can’t unsee it. It does feel a bit odd to me, but if you’re going for the idea of an altar to the old tree, it works. Lovely.

Thank you @Bonnie_Lampley for your comment! After “taking a break” from this image and now coming back to it, I’m also finding that I can’t unsee the brighter snow and it’s starting to bother me and I’ll most likely go back in and try evening out the brightness some more.

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