Ghostly Dancers

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

What do you feel when you view this image?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

My reaction to seeing this scene was that it appeared like a group of dancers on a stage. Each one doing an ‘improv’ dance move, yet somehow all expressive as a whole.

Technical Details

1/4 sec at f/18, slightly over exposed to bring a lightness to the fog.

Specific Feedback

Aesthetic, conceptual, emotional, please.

Very nice simple and well balanced composition!

I fully agree with @Willemd comment. In addition, my first response was to title it: “Conversations”. Excellent image. No suggestions.

First reaction: terrific. Simple in the right way.

Moody and mysterious are my first thoughts about this image Brenda. The tree skeletons are quite fascinating and the high key presentation works beautifully. I only have one small nit pick as I find myself wishing those two trees on the right side of the frame did not intersect one another. Nicely done.

I thought it looked like a Halloween image. The second thought was how unusual it was to capture those trees without seeing any background. I like that most of them are separated, but not far apart.

Holeeee Cow, this is amazing and wonderful! They are dancing! And the figures are so human. What an amazing arrangement and the fog adds such a ghostly atmosphere. I wouldn’t change a thing!

Brenda, I think your title is perfect, with the fog to hide what’s behind, there is a fine touch of elegance in the tree’s shapes. The limited contrast adds well to that elegance.

Perfect title - the trees slightly sinuous shapes and jaunty attitudes do resemble a dance troupe. Just lovely!

They do suggest people, don’t they. Whether they’re dancing or no I wouldn’t say. They’re animated in their interactions. They’re expressive. My initial reaction is to understand what they’re trying to express. To be part of it somehow.

Thank you Ed, and I totally agree with you about those two trees! Wherever I moved to separate those, another two overlapped. It was a definite challenge and in the end I accepted these two were going to dance ‘together.’ Thank you for your comments!

Thank you @Igor_Doncov, @Bonnie_Lampley, @Mark_Seaver, @Diane_Miller, @karlag, @Don_Peters, @Ed_Lowe, @Willemd, @Jim_Gavin for your comments and compliments here!

I love this, Brenda. And the three muted colors are wonderful too!

I see whimsical, almost Dr. Sueuss like at first glance. Its as if the trees are performing for an audience. The muted colors and atmosphere really add to this image as does the perfect compositiom where only two of the trees touch. You literally couldn’t have moved an inch in either direction or you would have had branches and limbs touching in several places.

Thank you @Mike_Friel

Thanks, David. Yes, it was a tight squeeze all right. I like your thoughts about Dr. Suess and the whimsical aspect of these trees!

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