Glossy Leaves + 1



Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I’m not really happy with the composition but feel pretty good about what it’s trying to convey.

Creative direction

My vision is to show plants as shiny objects. In fact, I don’t really care that these are plants. I’m looking for a response to shiny objects in a dark setting. The emotion I’m trying to express is mystery, wonder, and beauty using shapes and colors.

As is usual with my work, I don’t have a primary point of interest here. I prefer that the viewer explore the entire image bit by bit.

Specific Feedback

How acceptable is this composition? I have another image but it has different issues.

Technical Details

GFX50R, 45-100mm, f/11, focus stacked


I became fascinated by the gloss certain plants exhibited, particularly in a dark environment. It was a fascination with light, with bounced light. Light can be beautiful if rendered optimally. At one point I figured that if some gloss is good then more must be better. So I went out to shoot after a rain when all the leaves were wet. Big mistake. They were too shiny. My best results came in the shade when there was no direct light but there definitely was light. And so it was good to see the world with new eyes. That’s what it’s all about I guess.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:


Interesting study of light. I like the monochrome subject. The one yellow-brown leaf in the back is throwing off the quietness of having just the one color and light. Not sure what can be done about though. Looking forward to more of Glossy Things from you.

Hi Igor, I really quite like the image you have shared with us. The leaves have quite an interesting structure and combined with their rich color and glint contribute a sense of the exotic. I feel the framing is good but a slightly downward movement of the frame would have removed the slightly distracting leaves in the URC and included the lost tip of the lower central leaf. Otherwise well seen and processed.

Reading through your goals, I think this checks the boxes nicely Igor. There is a beckoning quality hear that I really like; the gloss initially grabs the eye in the brighter areas, then draws you into the deeper shadows; a Venus flytrap for the eye.

My obsessive brain wishes that bottom frond wasn’t cut off, but otherwise I think the composition works very well.

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True, but imagine the composition with it included. I would have to also add space below it as well.

Check, check and check.
My response to the shiny objects is that you have captured and displayed beautifully, “Light collectors.” No direct light as you mention, yet these big leaves are collecting what light is available. Which in turn it’s like light has been removed from the non-shiny areas. I can see where wet leaves might have been overwhelming! Actually, I’m wondering if shaving a bit more off the bottom would make that cut off leaf more “on purpose…”? no biggie though really.

Beautifully processed as well.

You mentioned you had never been to Hawaii… well perhaps, but you certainly brought your vision with you. :slight_smile:

Very well seen and crafted.

I would be remiss in my own critique if I didn’t mention the cut off frond at the bottom. I also think it’s a minor point and not having stood there to frame this, I don’t know what else might have been included.

@guy, @Lon_Overacker, @Youssef_Ismail, @John_Williams

Perhaps this one is better. Yes, this may be superior. What do you think?

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Very much so! This image is quite stunning…

Funny how such similar images can be so different. I’m right in line with @guy , and this one is significantly better IMHO. There isn’t that focal edge snag, and the leaf pattern almost has a whirlpool affect that sucks my eye right in. This one has much more green lurking in the shadows, which I find very attractive, and loses that red blotch the first has.

You might consider posting this as a new image; I think it deserves it.

Two lessons from this:

  1. Give yourself time to evaluate an image.

  2. Never assume that your improved version is better than the original.


Ditto. I’m also amazed how a image can be so different with essentially the identical subject. You know me, I’m very nitpicky when it comes to distractions keeping the viewer away from the photographer’s intent. And for me to say I can’t find any distraction, is saying something! Border patrol, clean. :slight_smile:

This second image is superb! Clearly you’ve achieved your goal in this one as well, about seeking out “shiny plants” This image captures that beautifully with the bonus of having a very solid composition with no distractions. Interesting too, what comes in to play is the “even-odd” concept. Here we have two main leaves - having two main things usually creates a conflict or the eye wanting to bounce back and forth, but clearly here the main leaf on the LL quadrant is the focal point. Everything else supports.

The color, sat, contrast and overall processing is superb.

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:+1: for the second photo. What a difference perspective makes.

Hi Igor. Yes I think this works much better than the first. It feels much calmer to me and so my exploration of the details is driven by curiosity. In the previous one I feel like I’m being bounced around the frame and I find the empty spaces quite distracting. I would love to see something in B&W too. I love what you are trying to do.