Glowing Heart

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I noticed this small “hole” in the bark of a pine tree, revealing the light-colored sapwood beneath. It seemed like the tree showed just the tiniest bit of its softer inner self.

Specific Feedback

Any is welcome.

Technical Details

Canon EOS R5
4/5 Sec @ f11
161 mm ISO 100

“Split toning” in Lightroom, cooling the outer bark and warming the center sapwood.

1 Like

Nicely done; the hearty warmth is felt. I might add a little more image at top and bottom if available.

Todd, awesome find and I liked the story you wanted to express with the image. Nice texture in the lighter bark.

Was this focus stacked? The upper right section is catching my attention because it is out of focus. Agree with Ronald on including a bit more of the scene at the top and bottom.

I really like the differences in tonality and texture, Todd. I do think that difference would be enhanced if you’d been able to get the bark on the right side in focus as well. I don’t know if stopping down further would have gotten you there, but it might be worth a try if you can find this subject again.


I really like the warm/cool toning you’ve captured and produced; works beautifully. I especially like the “core” in the center, surrounded by the chunky bark. Yeah, too bad the area on the right is out of focus as has been mentioned. Focus stack could have worked well here.

Colors, processing are quite excellent and I like the vision of what you saw and captured.
