Golden crowned sparrow & portrait crop

I spent several hours at our local wildlife refuge yesterday morning and saw virtually nothing. Frustrating! But that happens from time to time. One of the most challenging places to shoot at the refuge is in the Willow thicket. So many distractions from branches and other things. And one needs to shoot from the slightly elevated boardwalk. I like the eye because you can see the environment pretty clearly if you look at this picture large enough.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Iso 10,000, 400+ 2X, F5 .6, 1600th,A7R4, handheld, no flash, 60% of full frame

Hi David
I never though to see photographs of this quality at ISO of 10,000. Is the shot with the 850? Nice work.

Sorry, A7R4. Was used

Wow, 10,000 ISO! Very nice detail. These kinds of shots can be so difficult. You handled it very well.

IQ on the bird is really nice, particularly for ISO 10,000. I like environs. It shows the birds camouflage nicely. I think I see some evidence of cloning in the upper part of the frame?

Here is a portrait crop. 8.75 MP out of 61 or 14% of full frame.
Yes, I could have done a better job of cloning in the upper frame.

A really nice id photo of the Golden crowned sparrow. And also a very good ad for the camera and lens. Quite amazing. And well done hand holding . I wonder if you might have dropped the ss a bit and what you might have gained if you had. IQ looks good and you did not need more dof so you may not have gained anything.

Very nice image, David. I like the habitat and the detail in the sparrow is excellent.