The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
this Golden crowned sparrow was on a branch right outside my bedroom window. An oldie. I hope people don’t mind that I’m posting a lot of images but things have been pretty quiet for the last couple of weeks here in the avian gallery. Be honest and let me know if I’m overdoing it.
Specific Feedback
anything that helps
Technical Details
ISO 800, F7 .1, 320th of the second, 600 mm at F4, D 850
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Nice shot of this bird, David. They’re really attractive birds, but have such a whiny call. Nice perch, as usual. I could wish for a bit of head turn, but they don’t cooperate too well.
You’re not posting too much. I haven’t been getting out recently and I’ve been doing some sorting and file management on my old stuff instead of posting myself.
David - another very nice image! I love lichens and moss, so the perch is sweet. The brightest areas of the lichen might be burned down a bit.
You’re not posting “too much” - imo, the more the better, from everyone. We’ve got a bunch of excellent Avian photographers here, and I learn from every single post.
Really nice catch !
Gorgeous shot David and wow, huge file too. Great mellow BG and nice light. Even the perch has some interest, lol! I’ve been off the site for awhile so missed lots of your submissions,
Certainly not too much!! And this is a very worthy one – very nice sharpness and detail and a wonderful perch and BG! The pose fits with the perch. Overall score – outstanding!
I was doing a lot of birds in spring and early summer then fell back into the bottomless pit of astro and still clawing my way out, with a lot of processing progress. I have plenty from spring that I didn’t post then – should dig some up.
Yes, you should post some of your earlier bird shots. I would really like to see some good ones. You live in a great location to get a lot of interesting Avian species.