I liked the way the little pandanus was showing defiance against the daily storms; holding its ground against the elements. And now, months later I wonder if the tree is still standing.
Feedback Requests
Is the horizon line too much in the middle?
I liked the soft gradient in the bit above the horizon line, but is it boring?
Does the trickle of runoff lead your eye out of the image? I did burn it down a tad.
Pertinent Technical Details
ISO 640 70-200@154mm f8 .40sec
Basic ACR adjustments and into PS for HSL layer adjustment and a Curves layer
Glenys, this is a somewhat somber and quiet view of this shore. I like your comp. with the bit of land off to the side and the shore/runoff sloping down to the corner. Since there isn’t a horizon over the water (lost nicely in the mist) what’s there is fine also. The subtle bit of magenta in the sky adds well to the mood as do the clouds at the top. While I wonder about a brighter version, I expect that the mood would be quite different.
Glennie, A very serene and compelling image, and aptly titled.
Nicely muted and framed. I like it as is - if brightened, the mood would definitely be altered beyond what is presented.
Interesting scene with interesting lighting! It is a bit somber. I love the wavesI The runoff does pull my eye away. I wonder about cloning it out – just the bottom part. The smaller one above it is nice.