What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any pertinent technical details:
7D2, Sigma 150-600mmC@600mm, F8, 1/500, ISO 800, handheld
7D2, Sigma 150-600mmC@600mm, F8, 1/500, ISO 800, handheld
Nice pose and detail in the bird. I like the background. My only nit is the dark wood behind the bird; it draws the eye and at first glance seems almost part of the bird.
Really fine color, detail, and pose. Background is quite pleasing. I would have to agree with Allen that the log near the rear of the bird is a little distracting. This is such a nice image that I would make an effort to clone it out.
A very cool bird with nice light, Dave. I agree with both previous commenters that the dark log behind the bird should go.