Bah, realized I put the wrong revised image up which I failed to save, so recreated it today. Nicer results so it wasn’t a waste.
Critique Style Requested:Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Finally overnight temps are high enough (40s) to leave annuals out all night so I got the plants into the pots. If I hadn’t these guys would have lodged a formal complaint. I purposefully arranged the plants in the pots for maximum photographic potential and then arranged the pots themselves likewise.
At first the male was noticeably skittish with me on the couch just 10 or 12 feet away, but then he settled down a bit. The female(s) are much more used to the arrangement since they nest here every year and stay all summer which the males never seem to do. I don’t see any after June except for fledglings.
Anyway…here’s our boy. I hope to get that ruby throat flash later today maybe. The blossoms he’s on are less than 1 inch long. I forget how teeny these guys are after a winter of eagle photos. In the thumbnail he’s practically life sized!
Specific Feedback
I’m trying for faster shutter speeds when I can this year, which mostly involves full sun as you can see here. Am using AF-Single to show focus peaking indicator and the single-area Animal Detect which seems to work well. And of course burst mode with mechanical shutter since electronic can produce rolling shutter weirdness. We’ll see how that goes. Any other thoughts are welcome.
Technical Details
Handheld from the couch
Lr to crop the flower pot out of the photo and improve contrast and colors. A tiny distraction removed and some work with masking to even out the background and improve the color and contrast on Mr. Hummy. Topaz Sharpen did a nice job with details and noise.
You nailed it, Kris! Not an eagle (though he probably thinks he is) but is much harder to capture a stop action photo like this! Sounds like a wonderful sit up where you can sit on a couch and enjoy as well as photography these cute little guys. I almost had the chance the other day while shooting insects in the flower garden, when to my great surprise a male hummer joined me at eye level in the flowers. I had to change the focus distance and the movement scared him off. Bummer! Anyway, kudus to you on such a great shot. I can’t think of anything to improve it.
Thanks @Norma_Tareila-Matley & @Shirley_Freeman - I’m on the deck couch as I type and have gotten a few good ones of a female, but he’s still a big fraidy cat and I’ll have to just keep trying. The sun is behind clouds at the moment so his ruby-ness wouldn’t reflect well anyway. It’s a great place to be comfortable while I wait.
Excellent hummingbird photo, Kris. The detail is excellent, but I’d be tempted to move the bird and flower left in the frame given the angle of everything.
Thanks @Dennis_Plank - yeah, I wondered if I could leave him there. The flower pot is to his immediate right so…a little Ps magic in the OP. Shoulda done it to begin with.
Thanks @Diane_Miller - yeah, I’ve even cranked it to 1/4000th and with the help of Topaz products, the resulting high ISO is no big deal so long as my exposure is good and my focus is spot on. I’d NEVER have been able to get this kind of photo with my old DSLR, I don’t think. Or I’d have far fewer keepers, that’s for sure. The tech in mirrorless cameras to help with faster focus, better focus lock and focus peaking is incredible. Of course improved IQ and software are part of the equation, too. All together it’s a much more enjoyable experience with far fewer frustrations. I feel so spoiled.
Oh, the plants are their favorite - they go under many trade names depending on the grower, but I know them by sight and always buy a bunch. They grow like crazy all season.
Hi Kristen
I just two of these plant on the deck and I’m hoping for visitors anytime now. I know there is a lot of space on the right side of the frame, but I not sure moving that far to the right is an Improvement?
The Hummingbird looks great and the stop action also is pleasing.
He was more centered before, but I am ok with the new crop. I’m sure I’ll get him on these again, or maybe one of the girls. I was kind of excited when I found this plant at the nursery since it has that bit hanging down. Fell right into my scheme! I hope the birds find yours soon!