Hi Folks! Happy International Tiger Day!


Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 5D; 100-400 mm ID II; ISO 640; 1/500 sec. at F 5.6

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.



Ah cats. It doesn’t matter the species or the size, they are all like this. I wish it didn’t have the hole or the puddles back there, but what can you do? Gorgeous lazy pose and that paw is enormous. Was it playing with its toy there before or during this? Lovely catch and the light is gorgeous. Nice focus and details in the fur. Tummy rubs coming up.


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Wonderful soft light and great detail in the tiger. I’d be tempted to fill in the hole and crop out the puddles.

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Hi J Rajput
I can plainly see, your reputation of a photographer even extends to the world of Tiger, as this Tiger wave a friendly hello to signal it’s really for the photo shoot. Thank you for sending this photograph to us on International Tiger day.

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What a gorgeous cat. I especially like that the whole tiger is included from head to tip of its tail. From your previous photos I believe that this tiger is in its natural habitat. If that is the case, I’d leave it as is.

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Thanks @Kris_Smith it was actually turning around :blush:

Thanks @Jim_Gavin it is a wild tiger, taken in Ranthambhor National Park.

Such a sweet pose! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful photos!

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Thanks @Peter_Morrissey for your kind words :pray:

Hi there! It’s a special day and I’m taking a day off from work! It definitely looks like a friendly wave :wink: Nice shot with excellent detail as always, Jagdeep!

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