Hidden Danger

in color

I took this photo while hiking through the forest at La Selva and are large tree had fallen some time before and lay on the edge of the trail with its center facing the trail. Having passed this tree many times before and often inspected the hollow crack that had formed in the middle. On this visit, to my great surprise, a hidden danger was nestled inside, an adult Fer De Lance snake lay coiled near the entrance (probably to escape the heavy rain of the night before.

Specific Feedback Requested

I am not sure how well this photo works given how small the subject is. I have many photos that are closer, some only showing the log and the snake in the crack, others with some of the background forest but I feel that this one perhaps more than the others conveys of well these snakes blend into their environment but at the same time it is very small. I did a black and white rendition that I liked but I also wanted to show the image in color.

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Interesting subject. I like the color version best. It would be nice if the snake was larger in the image. Would it work to use a tighter crop? I realize if you made the snake larger you risk losing the shape of the fallen tree.