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Let’s get to it! Overall I think the scene is interesting. Hidden waterfalls mixed in with autumn colors is definitely an eye catcher. The first thing that I noticed is the yellow color cast. The yellow cast isn’t giving the scene much color separation. Once the color cast is removed you will see the colors spread out more. I feel the shadows can be opened up as well. The shadows appear rather dark for the light that is present in this scene. A subtle crop on the right can get rid of some of the dark areas on the edge of the frame on the right, and help the red tree so it’s not on the edge of the frame. Lastly, I would consider darkening down the lighter rocks in the foreground. It appears as if the rocks are a lead in line to the edge or out of the frame.
Hope this helps. I will attach a file with some minor corrections for reference.
Dear David,
Thank you very much for your comments.
Some of them have been a big revelation for me. I have never thought in this direction.
Thanks to your assessment, I have a new topic to study.
Thank you again!
Best regards,