Historic storm 2

This is from the same morning as my last post. In telling the story of the experience I wanted to compliment the close up of the waves (previous post) with a wider perspective (this post). With this image I though it was interesting to have the powerful waves to be overwhelmed by the ominous cloud cover above.

Specific Feedback Requested

Nothing in particular with this one either but all feedback welcome.

Technical Details


Indeed, ominous clouds!! A very nice composition to show them and the resulting waves. I love the “hot spot” of light.

Hey Dean, nice to see you here!
This shot is epic, the clouds look unreal!!
Personally I’d love to see a taller crop, accentuating the sky a little more. Apart from that I really like it!

Those clouds are awesome, Dean. Wow.

Agreed, that sky is just awesome. Actually, I like the whole image - it has a great mood and atmosphere and I like the minimalistic feel it has.

Wonderful atmosphere and great processing, Dean. I don’t think I would change a thing!

Thank you, @Diane_Miller, @jarrod, @David_Bostock, @Tom_Nevesely, and @Donna_Callais. @Diane_Miller, I, too, liked the bit of light that was coming through above the hills. @jarrod, nice to see you here as well. The original is a vertical so I can try out a taller crop. Everyone, as I was processing my son looked over and asked if that’s how the clouds really looked! They were indeed.

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Just piggy-backing off my comment from your earlier version. This one is awesome - if not for the waves, but for the big picture capture that includes the angry sky in addition to the angry ocean.

This is an awesome capture and I think represents the parade of storms hitting CA here in the first of the new year.


Thank you, @Lon_Overacker.