Historic storm

We are still living through the historic rainstorms in California. Just today we had thunderstorms and hail in San Francisco, which rarely happens. This is from a few days ago, just before the rain started up again, but while there were still strong winds. I kept my distance, using a long lens, and tried to capture the intensity of the experience. I even hand to hold down my tripod to avoid having it topple over in the wind.

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This really shows the awesome power of the sea, Dean. Very cool image. Well caught.

Dean, this gave me a bit of Deja vu seeing this much sea activity and very dark backdrop in the distance. The recall was along the Alaskan coast and also Cold Bay in the Aleutians. Not often seen this radical along our calm California coast line in many years. The scene has an ominous look and feeling overall… :skull_and_crossbones:

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I love how ominous this feels, Dean. Nice work. I really have nothing else to add. You executed it nicely.

Thank you, @David_Bostock, @Paul_Breitkreuz, and @Matt_Payne. It was an awesome, ominous experience. The forecast is for more “King tides” later this week so I might have another one to post!

I think you did a great job of capturing the ferocity of the ocean! I try all the time to get that feeling of power from the ocean waves here in Alaska. This is gorgeous.
Could there be just a tiny bit less room up there at the top? The nearest wave is really close down at the bottom, and it seems like there could be a little less of the darker area at the top. Just a personal preference for me.
Really well done!

Thank you, @GennyK. The ocean down here is usually quite calm, I imagine quite different from what it’s like in Alaska.


I’m so glad I scrolled down a bit while I’m trying to catch up.

This does a great job capturing the turmoil and the power - but of course as you well know, none of pictures we take of the sea when she’s angry do reality justice. I only say this because my wife and I were in Carmel during the Jan 4-6 “bomb cyclone” or whatever it was called. Actually stayed in the hotel room for a day and half to avoid being “that tourist”… but went out Pacific Grove way as soon as the storm clearn. Observed very similar conditions. Which is why I made my comment - my wife and I commented on this very thing - simply being flabbergasted at witnessing something like what was happening and had just happened overnight (Capitola, wharf, etc. ) Anyway, none of my pictures did the experience any justice…

Anyway… what is subtle, but most impressive in this and like images from the storm is not necessarily the turmoil in the foreground - but the immensity of the swells and the wind ripping off the top of the waves back in the distance.

Glad you got to experience it from a distance. Something not soon to forget.


Thank you, @Lon_Overacker. I certainly won’t forget the experience any time soon.

Solid work! Do you have any shots without a horizon? All the juice is down in the waves so it might be a great option to remove the horizon all together and just focus on the wave action