Holgate Glacier

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The wake wave generated by the boat I was on leads the eye directly to another tour boat providing some sense of scale relative to the rugged mountains and face of the glacier. I wish the other boat was sharper but the movement caused by the water is not something I could control. Perhaps a higher ISO would have allowed a fast enough shutter speed to make it stable.

Creative direction

My intent was to give the viewer a realistic idea of the glacier’s size.

Specific Feedback

Whatever you wish, positive or otherwise.

Technical Details

Canon EOS 5D II; Canon EF 70-200mm @ 70mm, f/18 @ 1/250 sec, ISO 400; handheld to reduce vibrations from the boat’s engine.


A small tourist boat passes in front of the Holgate Glacier located outside the town of Seward, Alaska in the Kenai Fjords National Park. The glacier flows outward from the Harding Icefield toward the Holgate Arm of Aialik Bay. While it is one of the smaller glaciers in Aialik Bay, approximately 0.5 mi wide at the face (only 1/3 of the face is seen here), it is still a popular destination to see calving glaciers. It is actually advancing! Holgate Arm is often filled with ice, but on a good day you can get to a close and safe distance from the glacier, one-quarter mile is as close as is allowed.