Horse's Head

Horse’s Head is one of the must see spots on the Northern Coast of NSW. It is very popular with Photographers. Most photos I have seen are from down on the beach looking through the gap to catch the setting sun. I hadn’t seen any shooting down on the Horse’s Head from this particular spot but I am sure there are. When I was there was a bunch of photographers down on the beach waiting for sunset. I choose B/W because of the shapes and textures, it was a long exposure as I wanted to create a mystic feel to the water

Specific Feedback Requested

Should have I cropped in closer to the Horse’s Head, I do like the peaks of the rocks LHC and the misty feel of the water around the horse. Is it a concern that some of the plants on the Horse are blurry due to long ss. And anything you can suggest to improve the photo. Thanks

Technical Details

SS 10secs, ISO 100, 24-105mm @96mm with a slight crop in LR

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Hey David,

This isn’t a fall image! Disqualified!

Just kidding. One issue I see here is nearly the entire scene is in the shade, and then there is direct light hitting the seastacks in the far back. This is going to severely limit how much you can play with the tones in the scene even though it’s black and white. It feels a bit flat right now, and the large water area on the left feels empty.

I don’t recommend this crop, but I wanted to show you how much you could play with the tonality if you didn’t have the direct sunlight hitting those seastacks, since that determines your white point. If you were to do these adjustments I did without cropping them out, it would look very strange since the shaded areas would be just a bright as the sunlight, which is impossible. Anyways, maybe this can serve as a lesson going forward or you could see if you made any exposures after the sun set and the light was more even.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Eric