Horsetail Scene -- re-post

This re-post takes advantage of the greatly appreciated suggestions. Toned down high end brightness a little, darkened the stump, which now competes less with the horsetail, and cropped from bottom left. Thanks, folks.

Original …

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I enjoy the interplay of textures in this image, but wonder if it comes across as a jumble of textures.

Creative direction

For me, the flow of energy is downward from the upper horsetail to the stump, but I admit that the lower horsetail seen from above is where the viewer’s eye starts in this image. How many viewers continue from there to see the interplay?

Specific Feedback

Appreciate especially any thoughts on luminosity and contrast that make all these textures harmonious.

Technical Details

Canon R5 100mm 2.8 f/14, 1.4 meters distant


Even before I got to the beach for my photo hunt, the strip of horsetails at the edge of a spring seep stopped me cold. Had to play and see what I could do with their textures.

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The high contrast black and white really works for this image, Dick. My eye does go immediately to the circular spray, but then moves up and to the right and starts exploring around, so the mix of textures comes through nicely. I’m a bit ambivalent about whether the stump contributes much, though it does have some interesting textures itself and I think if viewed or printed very large it would have more impact. I don’t think you could get away with cropping much from the bottom anyway without crowding the end-on horsetail too much.

A really cool image.

The lower horsetail catches my eye at first, but this is immediatly complemented by the strong downward lines from above. For me it all harmonizes well and makes for a striking, instantly attention-catching, stunningly beautiful image. The blank and white works very well, as already mentioned.

A VERY cool find!! The contrast seems a bit high for my taste but not sure how effective it would be with it lowered. I think the stump could have less contrast and be darker, to give more of a base to the composition and let the lower horsetail stand out more.

I had exactly the same reaction as Diane, although I know you like more contrast than I do, so that’s a matter of taste. The “jumble” of textures doesn’t feel chaotic because of all the strong lines. I do think darkening the stump would be good. Although it has a nice texture itself, the stars of the show are the horsetails. The stump is a supporting character, but because its relatively bright its stealing some of the show.

The RP works for me!! Wonderful seeing and presentation!

Oh I love horsetails, but haven’t photographed them well at all. The spray and spikes just look so amazing and sort of not of this world, though clearly they are some of the oldest living things in this world. Darkening the stump helped quite a bit - much more drama and mystery on show. Reminds me of fireworks or something at the bottom of the ocean like an urchin. Fantastic.

A very good job on the revised image, Dick. Beautiful work.