House Sparrow

I’m always looking for an image something like this with a bird with flowers or berries, but those darn birds rarely cooperate. A flock of House Sparrows were using this bush waiting their turn at a nearby feeder.

Specific Feedback Requested: Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon R5; 100-500 at 500 mm; 1/1000 at f7.1; ISO 20,000 (we’re not getting much sun here in Oregon lately, thank goodness for NR software)


Cool image, Allen. I am not sure why, but the little fellow looks lost in the small image, but when I clicked it larger the bird stood out more. Interesting effect. It is a busy background, but hey, that’s what it was. I think the pose is quite nice and the slight fanning of the tail works quite well too. Great detail for that high of an ISO too.

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