Hovering Least Tern

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken at the World Birding Center on South Padre Island, TX. The light was getting a bit sketchy, and I’d been trying to get one of these in decent focus all day. This one kept coming back to the same general area, so I pre-focused on the general area and when it came by gain I tried to get a few shots. This is the only one that had any resemblance of focus, and I really liked the motion in the wings and the tail.

Specific Feedback

Focus, lighting, etc., etc. Any suggestions or assistance is greatly appreciated. I didn’t think this came out any better in B&W.

Technical Details

Canon 5DMiii, f18, 1/100 s, iso 100, 100-400 +1.4TC at 560 mm. Cropped for composition.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Hi Ed, good idea to pre-focus on the area where the bird was habituating. This image has a an abstract feel to it with the head nearly sharp and blur elsewhere. By looking at your settings, I assume this is what you were after. Increasing the ISO, lowering the aperture, and increasing shutter speed would have given a much different, sharper result.

Thanks @Allen_Sparks, I wish I could say it was completely deliberate. The prefocusing on the area was, but I can’t remember what I was shooting just before with those settings. I did try to get a few with faster shutter speeds and wider open apertures, but none of them came out totally sharp either. I liked the wing/tail blur in this one with the semi sharp head.

The head looks nice and sharp, Ed, and I love the blurred wings and tail. These birds have almost invisible eyes and it appears truly invisible in this image. If there’s some way you can bring it out (if you can find it), I think it would make this image much better. Even a little catchlight showing in all that black head plumage would help.

Thank you @Dennis_Plank. I just went back in to this image, and I think the blacks in the head are blocked.

Easy to do with the white bird and bright background.

Ed, I love the elegance in this shot. The peaceful feel in your color version inspired me to convert it to black-and-white, giving it a timeless quality.

The focus on the bird’s head with blurred wings captures movement beautifully. The bird floating in an empty space tells a captivating story of stillness and motion.

I hope you don’t mind the conversion. It’s a piece I’d be proud to hang on my wall!

Wow! Thank you @Saundie.