Hungry Dragon+crop

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was wandering around Bryce NP and looked up , saw this scene and knew this image had to be captured.

Specific Feedback

Have at it.

Technical Details

180mm lens, 1/1000, ISO 200, f8

Louis, I wish I had seen that at Bryce Canyon. This is one of those formations we stumble upon sometimes and clearly something as you did. It does look like a dragon or some otherworldly creature. The perspective you created gives the dragon a good idea about its size. I like the image and edit you did. If I had edited the original photo, I would have cropped that protruding element on the top edge of the left frame. It leaves me curious as to what it might have been and causes some distractions for me. This is a very interesting formation and a good capture.

Agree, the crop can be improved as you say. Not sure if I recrop how to enter here again.

Louis, it’s simple to add re-edited photos here. It is a good idea to show your edited image next to the original image. That way viewers won’t have to scroll up and down to search for the edited image. While doing this, it is also helpful to edit the title of the post to indicate there is a revised image. Here’s what I suggest:

(1) Just click the pencil icon to modify that title first. Add +rework or +re-edit to the very first line of your post that shows the title.

(2) To add the re-edited image next to the original one, you’ll click on the pencil icon at the bottom of the original post. You are then taken to the edit mode of your entry. I would suggest placing the cursor at the very top before the original image. That way, the re-edited photo will be the first we see. Please make sure you do not remove the original image. If you want, add some text after the re-edited and original images. That will help viewers know which image they are looking at, if not completely obvious. By doing this, when we click on the first image, we can keep clicking on the arrows to see the others. It’s a lot easier than scrolling up and down.

Looks like the “Thinking Dragon” to me… I like the glow coming under it “belly”. The clouds in the sky add interest there. Your crop removes a distract at the edge.

It looks like a Dragon as well. I look at this formation and see several things I really like this one. It’s like looking at the clouds in the sky. The more you stare, the more you see in the clouds. Good shot,
It could be cropped into many things., I say leave as is.

These comments prove one thing. Thank gosh we all see images differently.