(Jim Gavin)
March 20, 2025, 5:06pm
Image Description
Snow melted in depression along side a river. It then froze creating interesting scenes. I liked what appears to me to be a seal.
Feedback Requests
Nothing in particular. I just like the various designs and searching for different features. I converted this to BW. I prefer the color.
Pertinent Technical Details
Canon 5DMKIV; 24/70; 1/200th; 8.0;400 iso. Hand held.
1 Like
Great patterns and textures. It does look like a seal. Nice find. I think I’d like to see it brightened a bit so it’s not so grey. Maybe bring out the textures more.
I love the patterns in this Jim, well framed.
As I look at this again Jim. I am seeing a frog design in the ice. Nice piece of artistry.
Jim, I see the (very plump) seal with a short tail. You’ve got a fine collection of shapes and textures here.
(Jim Gavin)
March 26, 2025, 7:44pm
@Mark_Seaver @Ed_Williams Thank you for commenting.