Iceland hillock

I felt that placing the shed toward the lower left corner rather than at the more traditional “rule of thirds” location emphasizes the scale disparity between the shed and the hill; and also adds an element of surprise, because the initial expectation of the size of the hill gets upended after seeing the shed.

Love to hear some feedback on that.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.


I think you chose beautifully and wisely in the positioning of the barn. I’m a big fan of the “rule of thirds,” however it doesn’t mean it should be applied blindly and honestly, this is NOT the scene where the rule of thirds would apply.

What you’re showing here is scale and you’ve accomplished exactly what you wanted to do in emphasizing the “scale disparity.” And another very, very cool outcome here is that optical illusion that the shed is a miniature. I can’t recall what the technique is called and hopefully this rings a bell, but there’s a technique when shooting downwards with a telephoto and a shallow depth of field where elements in fore and background are somewhat blurry, but the main subject is in focus anyway, I wish I could explain it better.

Excellent job visualizing and executing this one. Well done.


Gaurav, the placement of the building is spot-on. In doing so, you created a very lonesome mood that I find very pleasing.

I could see a little judicious dodging of the grasses around the building and perhaps a slight boost in saturation. Also, the posts along the bottom edge near center are eye grabbers.

A very pleasing image you have here.

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Gaurav, I like the idea behind your shot and agree with you about the comp, but to be totally honest, I’m not a fan of all the bare areas of dirt on the hillside. And I think the image looks a little soft.

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@Michael_Lowe, you’re correct that the image is soft. Good eye catching that from the small web image that was shared!

I like the rocky areas myself, but I can see that that’s a personal choice.

@Preston_Birdwell, thanks for your comment. Thanks especially for mentioning the posts, which really do distract.