What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any pertinent technical details:
any critiques appreciated
Nikon D3400, f/5, aperture 4.6 ISO 100 FL 160mm
any critiques appreciated
Nikon D3400, f/5, aperture 4.6 ISO 100 FL 160mm
That looks like a story waiting to be told; it’s a great subject and you’ve captured the feel nicely. You might crop a tad to remove the blank upper right corner, or at least to remove the dark spot on the edge.
thanks John, i didn’t notice the upper right corner … thanks again
Most definitely a great story here. I’d call that more of a shack or a lean-to and the way it’s built in to the grove of trees - it’s like it was not meant to be seen… And I think including some of the sky/clouds up top some context of a location is provided; then again, cropping out any reference to the sky may change the story too.
Same goes for the grasses up front. Technically, they’re a little OOF, but then that also keeps the emphasis on the shed and helps with the story.
Not a grand landscape, but most certainly an image with mystery and a story.
thanks Lon