
What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
D3400, ISO 1600, 1/400 sec, F-stop unknown, FL 85mm prime manual

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

I like the way the grassy area take the eye into the image, Michael. This has a nice peaceful feel to it that is very engaging. If this were mine I think I would dial back the greens a bit as they look a little neon along with cropping down far enough to get rid of the sky as it pulls my eye. That would place more of an emphasis on the rest of this wonderful scene. Just a thought.

thanks Ed … much better

The redo is my favorite although both are very nice. I first though cropping some off the bottom, too, might make it even better, but it loses that light starting a lower left corner that carries through the image. Nice shot.

thanks Jim