Impala in Flight



Specific Feedback Requested: Should I have panned faster?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Sony a1, Sony 200-600mm at 207mm, manual exposure, f/20 at 1/30th, ISO 100


Impalas are a great motion blur subject. You did well here. Though the head is not as sharp as you may have liked, the striping in the background is perfect and the subject’s placement against the lighter parts of the grass and brush is a nice way to highlight it even more.

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Hi, Charles. You most definitely captured motion in your photo. First and foremost, I must say I like the color palette in the frame. Although the impala is not fully in focus, that only adds to the movement and speed those animals have. I am not sure that panning faster would have helped a whole lot more. You might have caught only a portion of the impala body. It is great you were able to get its entire body even at the sacrifice of sharpness. That does not bother me at all. I see that you did not have an option to use less zoom in the shot. It is my feeling that a wider shot could have given a less tight feeling I get with the impala almost taking the entire frame. Was the image cropped? I would have loved to have seen more open space on the left side of the image. However, I know that is not always possible. These things I mentioned above are only my wishful thinking for a perfect moment. This is a beautiful image.

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I like this Charles! The blurring really emphasizes the speed. I’m not very experienced at this kind of shot but I’m thinking that a wider aperture and twice or probably triple the shutter speed would have provide a softer blur of the background and sharper focus on the head and back of the antelope.

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The image was cropped by about 50%. I could have added more space in front of the Impala. But I cropped it so that the animal stood out better.

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I agree that I could have increased the shutter speed since I was relying on panning rather than slow-mo to get the effect I was seeking. Maybe when I return to Luangwa??? :slight_smile: