In the Banyan + Alternative


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The banyan stands tall, its roots like the legs of a hundred creatures melding into the earth. Light filters through the leaves, casting shadows that sway but do not bend. Leaves crowd the ground, a silent testament to time.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

15 mm at ISO 3200 and 1⁄80sec at Ζ’/10

Gorgeous and other-worldly – an alternate image is just the bottom half!

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Intriguing. It’s as if alien beings were advancing toward the viewer. Nice work.

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@Diane_Miller @Don_Peters
Thanks for the feedback, Diane! I did a crop on the bottom half, and it really does work. It seems to take you further into the scene. Thanks again! :pray:

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