In the grip (+1 re-work)

Cropping and slight vignette -

I loved the spreading roots of this yellow birch on the Grandfather Falls IAT segment, but it was a difficult shot to make. This is as high as my RRS tripod will go. Maybe if I had the giant Manfrotto I could have done it differently. Moving left put the leading root out of alignment. Moving right got me into the trees between the trail and the river. You can see the bases of two of them on the left.

Specific Feedback Requested

Just checking opinions on this one, whether it’s just too odd or awkward or just plain doesn’t work.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Tripod and possibly a polarizer, but I can’t remember.


Changed to an Adobe Color profile to start and did the usual adjustments to white & black points, added clarity and texture, did some lens correction and transform changes to the geometry. Lifted vibrance a bit, but lowered saturation overall. Sharpening and a touch of nr. A gradient filter on the left and right to focus attention on the center.

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For me the trail plank walkway and trail on the right side are detracting from the interesting tree and roots. I tried a crop from the right and top, making a square frame with the long root entering from the LR side. This removes the planks and trail and I feel it makes for a stronger image. That’s my 2 cents, maybe you and others will not agree.

I do find it a bit awkward – but charmingly so! I had that feeling with a previous image of yours, that I’m walking on the trail and stepping over these roots, slightly off balance – just enough to make me feel I’m there. I’m heading for the bridge, so it makes the story.

My only suggestion would be a gradient burn from the bottom to push my focus along. Very well done, for my taste!

Agree with @Diane_Miller comments, with the add-on that maybe a vignette also could help to focus the attention to the main characters of the image.

The roots remind me of the spreading tentacles of an octopus . I also love the green / brown color palette that you used here, it is very appealing.

My comments would be in the same vein as those from @Alan_Kreyger. Here is a suggested crop to zoom in on the “octopus”.

thanks everyone for your input and suggestions. The walkway was bugging me, too, that’s why I wanted a taller vantagepoint to be able to get rid of it, but a crop will work in a pinch. Luckily I can always go back and reshoot this anytime since it’s like 10 minutes from the house.

There’s a new image in the OP with a crop and Diane’s suggestion of some darkening.

For the uncropped version, I’d go even stronger on the vignette. Pull a gradient up to almost the base of the tree and try a curves something like this. Then maybe lighten the entire image just a tad?

Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 8.27.02 PM