The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This image is a more intimate view of the second of three drops that makeup Sabbaday Falls in the White Mountains of NH. It is pretty hard to come away with something original of this waterfall as you are a bit restricted as to where you can go. Just wondering if this works for anyone? I thought about composing with more at the top, but the rocks were dry and a totally different tonality so this is what I came away with.
Specific Feedback
Does the crop work for you?
Technical Details
Nikon Z7, Nikon 24-200 @ 56 mm, f 11 @ 1/8 sec, ISO 400, Kase magnetic CPL, cable release & tripod.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
I like it!! At first it feels like it wants a vertical composition but after a minute I see things I like in this crop, as it fits the repetition of horizontal areas where the water breaks over the rocks, even down to the subtle ones at the base, and the horizontal gesture of the ferns on the right. I’m surprised the polarizer didn’t kill more of the reflections on the wet rocks, but maybe that was intentional. I wonder about a little gradient burn in the UR corner?
I think I’d like to sit there and take in the view and sounds!
Hi Ed, I really like this image, and I think the crop works well with the ferns balancing out the waterfall. My only suggestion would be to experiment with reducing the exposure of the rock in the top right as it does draw a bit of attention, but otherwise this is a really delightful and calming scene!
Hi Ed, You have shared with us another lovely image of this waterfall. Like the last one I think you have done a nice job of moderating the later day light, but perhaps a bit more could be done to balance the rock tones. The reach of the ferns from the right bring a nice counterpoint to the flow. Well done!
A nice intimate view of Sabbaday Falls Ed. The lush green ferns are a nice added touch. Nice composition and SS. I have no critiques except it would be nice if the UR rock was damp, but you couldn’t do anything about that.
Thanks everyone @Diane_Miller, @Keenan_Wadsworth, @Ben_van_der_Sande, @guy and @Michael_Lowe for your thoughtful C&C; always appreciated. Here is a repost with your suggestions. I darkened the highlights on the rocks on the right side just a little. Let me know what you think.
One of the reasons I was attracted to this scene was the ferns on the right as well as the horizontal lines on the rock face.
Would be good to post the redo next to the OP so we can click back and forth for a better comparison. For my taste, I think the rock in the UR went too gray. I would make the burn less even with a gradient and bring down the middle of a curve rather than the top right corner, to hold a bit more contrast. That sort of vignette focuses the eye on the subject.
Thanks for taking the time to do a rework with your thoughts @Diane_Miller . I like what you did. My intention was to post the rework with the original and I forgot how to do it. Senior moment I guess.
Just click the pencil icon in the LR of the OP and you have a word processing page where you can edit – move the cursor around and drop in the new version wherever you want, and also add/delete any text or pictures as desired.