Into the Cauldron

This image is of Bridalveil Falls from Yosemite back in mid-winter, 2017. I went to shoot Horsetail falls and was rewarded with some great images but there were huge crowds. Since the light has to be just right at sunset with near-perfect conditions to get the horsetail falls glowing there were several afternoons that I didn’t even attempt a shoot of it. That gave me a chance to grab some images from other areas in the valley. Most of the trip was cloudy with some snow and gloomy making for a neat shot of the fog layer in the valley along the Merced river. I converted to Balck and White since there was almost no color in the original image anyway and this gives it a little bit more drama. Would welcome comments and suggestions. Thanks

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D810, 66mm, 24-120mm lens, ISO 100, 1/40 @f/11

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Single shot

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In the realm of landscape photography, I find it interesting that the “consolation prize” often leads to creating more impactful images than the “main event”. This is outstanding David, with a great composition. Add in the fog, and you have a winner. I love the way you worked in the LRC trees as framing elements here too.

I almost hate to give any suggestions here since this is such a strong image as presented. But if you were looking for some subtle tweaks, I could see a slight dodging to the falls itself, and some of the lighter midtones in the mountain near the falls. I think some subtle dodging can help pull the viewers eyes to the falls. See rework below

In addition, I think there is a second strong image lurking here too, a horizontal of the bottom half that crops just above the top of the falls. But probably no need to crop to get that, I suspect you already have that in another shot.

This is a superb Yosemite Valley shot. Ansel Adams would be proud. A wall-hanger for sure. I would not change a thing. Perfection, to my eye.

Wow! I agree with all comments. An Ansel Adams Gallery image for sure. Dodge or not. Looks like liquid nitrogen pouring off and filling the valley.
You might consider burning in some contrast into the clouds on the left; to my eye, the bright triangle wants to take my eye out of the frame, once my eye leaves the main elements of the scene.

This is one sweet image, David! Even though this was not your first choice this is what I would call serendipity and I would not sweat losing out on getting a shot of Horsetail Falls. The ground fog swirling about the valley floor trees imparts a wonderful mood and the call to convert to B&W was the perfect choice. I have no suggestions other than to print big and find a wall for it.

Wow guys. You’ve given me a lot to think about here @Dick_Knudson, @Ed_McGuirk, @Ed_Lowe, @Dave_Douglass. I like what both reworks do to this image. Thanks for taking the time to do the reworks.
Ed, I totally agree that this was serendipity and that the consolation prize turned into the main event. I can’t believe how many people are there for the horsetail falls every year now. People that would save their spot 7 or 8 hours before the shooting began and just sit there all day long. It’s quite the spectacle. I’m glad I did it but may never do it again. Who knows. Thanks again guys for your help with this image.

My first thought was that this image rivals an Ansel Adams print. Excellent choice converting to b&w. One of the best images I’ve seen of Bridal Veil Falls. Congratulations!

Outstanding take on Yosemite valley. I like the reworks, but it is starting from a really strong image. No suggestions that have not already been made. Beautiful.

Wow, David, this is superb. I think your composition is super strong; no changes needed at all IMHO. Your B&W conversion & processing both look excellent, but I do like @Ed_McGuirk’s dodge edits a lot. Other than incorporating his dodges, I wouldn’t do a thing except print it big and hang proudly.

I like the mood added by the fog. It transforms what is an otherwise familiar scene into something even more extraordinary. The black and white presentation suits this image well and there is a good range of shadows and highlights throughout the image.

Thanks for your feedback @Bill_Chambers, @Brian_Schrayer, @Harley_Goldman, @Patricia_Brundage. I really appreciate you taking the time for a comment. I agree with Bill about Ed’s rework. I will be incorporating that into this image when I get some time to get back to it.
Thanks again everyone.