Into the sunlight

What technical feedback would you like if any? any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? What about the composition

Pertinent technical details or techniques: I gave the bushes a light beam in photoshop.

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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I like the long shadows, and the splash of color in the backlit bush. The contrast is a bit much for my eye, which is lead to the bright background of the upper part of the image. I might play with cropping out the upper part of the image, and bring more focus to the bush, maybe recover some detail to the tree trunks, or try a black and white treatment with a selective color on the bush.


I really like what you’ve seen and captured here; especially attempting to highlight the main sunlit plant. And to that end, I might even downplay the smaller plants even to the point of desaturating them somewhat and keep the focus on not only the main plant, but also the classic scene of the shadows on the forest floor. I would even think this was perfect for a b&w rendition as Wade suggests. I know not everyone would be keen on the idea, but I like the b&w with the colorized painting back of the highlighted plant. But your vision might be totally different.

There is a strong point of keeping this in color as well - and that would be the pine straw and cones of the forest floor. I like the reddish-brown tones.

The only suggestion/nit I have would be some of the “greens” in tree tops are a bit off - can’t tell if it’s hue or saturation, but some areas looks like the cyan is pretty strong. I’m wondering if you did a global hue/sat adjustment to pop the greens in the plants. If that’s the case, I would simply paint out any saturation that occurred in the trees.

Great potential with this one.


I like the way the sunlight catches that single plant, Ben, and the long shadows. There’s a nice, fresh feel to the image, making one sense how pleasant a walk here would be. The main trees do look a little bluish on my monitor, but that coolness does contrast quite well with the warmth of the sunlit plant.

This would be an interesting one to see in BW Ben, the lines of the trees and shadows might make that work well.

Thank you Wade for your comment. I can see that there is a lot possible with my image.

Thank you Lon for al these small(big) suggestions. I will try the possibility of B&W and see if I like it.

Thank you Ian. Yes I made the background a bit blue. I see now that also the trees have taken a bit of that color.

A good idea John thank you. I will see how it looks like in B&W.