
Hey all, just got back from Ireland. We had a blast! It’s such an awesome place. I am pretty happy with how these came out, but really curious which you guys prefer? I keep going back and forth. Also, if you have any thoughts on how to make them better please feel free to share!

These were both taken with a 10 stop ND filter and a 30 sec exposure.

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I would say, pretty spectacular… Where in Ireland?

Dan, I really prefer the first one. Those rocks feel really dramatic with the up close view. Also in the second one it seems like a portion of the water is a bit overblown. These are both spectacular compositions but I’d go with the first one.

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Fantastic stuff Dan!
For me the first one is more impressive, getting close to that unique Wing like rock formation makes it larger and the scene overall more unique.

Both are quite amazing and not a scene I recall seeing previously which is hard to achieve.

The perspective on the first one since you appear to be pointing downward maybe could be something to look at adjusting ; kind of slopes downward when your eye hits the water level.

Both are excellent, but the second one is it for me. I feel much more a sense of the place and the feel of a fantasy land. Water doesn’t bother me. Both are most enjoyable viewing.

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Dan, beautiful work! Both will hang very nicely on a wall! I think I prefer the bottom scene for it’s mood and lighting. I also favor the grass in the foreground, it adds another texture and more warmth to the scene. The top scene is very bold! The placement of the rocks in the foreground instantly draw the eye and then you are free to wander the scene. Okay, the longer I study them I can’t decide. I have no improvements to offer.

Thanks Erik, I think you are 100% right with the water… that is why feedback is great! Definitely needs toned down…

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Thanks for the thoughts Matt and yeah I had meant to work on that right side before posting and completely forgot… nice catch!

Thanks @Harley_Goldman and @Alan_Kreyger that was my thought as well with the second shot. I really tried to work the grass in to help tell the story and add that warmth and calming quality. But the first one is more dramatic. Wish I would have made more effort at getting both the grass and the bigger rock stack…Thanks for the thoughts guys.

I prefer the second for two reasons

  1. I like the light on the rocks better in the second image
  2. The grass in the bottom right leads the eye into the entire scene more

As for the first image, I may be in the minority here, but it feels like the rocks just smack me in the face and I don’t want to bother looking at the rest of the image - maybe because the bottoms are cut off? Kinda like they are just sprouting up from off-frame? I also feel that the closest rock is a bit dark, but thats probably more of a personal taste thing than anything.

Great imagery. I prefer the second. I like the vibe that the glowing light gives and I found the flow better as the rock formations provide a rhythm that draws my eye to the light

Another vote for #2. It’s just a stronger composition.

Dan, I prefer the second one for composition and impact, the warm foreground grass is a powerful lead-in, and in the second shot the middle island is much larger in size. But I prefer the cooler, more contrasty processing of the first image, the second image feels too warm and needs some contrast and a stronger black point in my opinion.

I hope you don’t mind, but I downloaded image 2 and took a stab at reprocessing it. I cooled the shadow areas using a TK Darks 2 mask (retaining warmth in the highlights), and added some mid-tone contrast.

I definitely prefer the first image. The balance between the rock and the sky creates a natural focus around the focal point (of the rock). As a side note I am wondering how it would look to add more micro contrast in the clouds - I.e. dodge burn or a small amount of clarity.

I think I prefer the 1st image. Both are quite stunning but the composition in #1 feels more memorable.

I prefer the second but both are impressive. I also like Ed’s changes and thought the original lacked contrast in the rocks. However, the upper left seems a little dark to me. Malin Head is an awesome place and we were there in June. Looks like you had to do some scrambling to get this perspective. Nicely done.


Wow, these are both magical, enchanting, mystical… you get the idea. Excellent!

Hard to choose. If anything my feedback would be on the second one as it seems to be processed lighter than the first (globally, not just the white water Erik pointed out.)

Both are wonderful and great captures from Ireland!


Great takes on Malin Head Dan. Although there are some more dramatic aspects to the first version I like, the swirling cloud and the more imposing position of those rocks, overall the second seems more balanced. I would probably like to see some cooler tones in the water and shadows as overall the tonal balance seems quite warm across the board.

I prefer the second image. It is more open, and the grass adds a sense of calm. I agree with Kah Kit about the overall warmth.

Both images are lovely, and quite dramatic.

Wow makes me want to book tickets to Ireland asap! Great catches!

I much prefer the 2nd, the framing into the large rock highlight the eyes into the scene better for me. If it were mine I would cool everything down to bring out more drama and contrast, this I think would define the foreground, subject and background bit more. But other than that I would change much, really solid images.