Shoreline w/ Repost

New Crop:


I haven’t really touched a camera since this trip in late August. I don’t know, sometimes I just need to put the camera down for a while and pursue other interests. Eventually, though, I always come back to it.

This was taken during a walk on Irish Beach on the Northern California coast.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all.

Technical Details

Leica M10M, f/6.8, 1/1500 sec, ISO 160. Leica Elmarit f/2.8 28mm lens


This is a very moody image, David, well suited to monochrome, the conversion of which I think you’ve handled really well. That being said, I think the composition would be much stronger if you cropped out the cliff on the left altogether (i.e., the left side of the frame). Because essentially you have two stark, dark features fighting for attention (our eyes go to contrast). It seems to me that the sea stack is by far the more compelling and, I’m guessing, the reason you took the picture. That small, dark stack against the white surf and the light sky, deserves my full attention. I really don’t think the right side of the frame adds anything to this otherwise strong image.

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I agree with Kerry. The unusual wing-like shapes under the left cliff caught my attention. I can’t work out what they are. But I love the contrasts in the main right portion, the sweep of the sea, the clouds, the stack. It has the potential to be a very arresting shot.

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The relationship between the wave in the corner and the sea stack makes this image for me. That wave is particularly interesting in that it’s going from the viewer towards the dark stack. There’s a threatening aspect to it. I agree that the cliff plays little if any role but it does feel connected to the stack with its darkness and helps confirm the mood. Also, if you cropped it out you would end up with a less balanced composition with darkness on the right and light on the left. I also think that far white driftwood adds to the ominous feeling. Perhaps it should be made brighter to draw more attention to it. The bright light on the kelp near the left frame, however, maybe should be darkened.

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The combination of the wave and the dark rock in the sea is great. You did a good job in the B&W conversion.
I agree with @Igor_Doncov about cropping out the cliff on the left. If you consider cropping, I’d at least keep the aspect ratio near 2:3 by also cropping out part of the sky. Otherwise, the image feels imbalanced to me.
Instead of cropping out the cliff, I’d probably darken as well the kelp as the driftwood. The driftwood is distracting in my opinion. I gave it a quick try.


Hey David, no worries about putting the camera down - I do that a lot too!

For this image, the black left is super dominating and doesn’t really add much. Recomposing so that you’re further into the ocean would fix a bit of that, or you could crop off about a third of the left side. I think its important to remember that the more space you give something in the frame, the more it becomes the subject. Something like this?


Hey David, This is quite the moody image. I love it. I think it works as is, because of the heavy vignette, but I also like the idea of cropping to a more square format with the left cliff taken out. @Matt_Payne’s crop is very strong, just needs an adjustment to the vignette. Really nice M - Monochrome image, David.

It’s great to see you here again.


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Thank you @Kerry_Gordon @Mike_Friel @Igor_Doncov @Han_Schutten for your valuable feedback. I played around with some crops based on the feedback, but nothing quite worked until I saw @Matt_Payne’s crop and it took me a minute to realize it wasn’t an exact square. I think my reposted image with this crop, as well as adjusting the vignette per @David_Bostock, might make this a stronger image. But I’m still not 100% sure :slight_smile:

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It’s good to be back, @David_Bostock. Did you ever take the plunge for the Q2?

It definitely makes the stronger image, David. I love the crop and reworked vignette. Perfect. FYI, you can edit your original post and move the new crop above the original image. That way it becomes the thumbnail we all see.



Not yet, still chewing on the idea. It’s a big investment, for sure. Looking around for what I can sell to cover the cost. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m torn between the two images. In the original version, the one I prefer, I love the curve of the waters edge leading to the dark bluff with the driftwood. The heaviness of the right side balances nicely against the lights on the right side. The sky takes up an appropriate amount of space and the image feels very moody. Ominous even. In the rework, the sky feels like it takes up too much space and I would crop some off the top, just above the dark band of clouds. Also, the left side just feels cut off to me in the rework. A vignette is needed on the left side or at least more of a vignette. In any case, this is a lovely image that makes me feel cold and wet with wind whipping through my hair. I love when I can feel an image. Nice to have you back. By the way, what’s a Q2?

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@David_Haynes, the Q2 is the Leica Q2 and Q2 Monochrome cameras. I’ve been lusting after one or both of them for a while now. They certainly aren’t in my photo budget at this time. And my Fujifilm X100V serves me quite well for a walk around camera. I think I’ll wait to see what the next version of the X100 looks like before selling my soul to Leica. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much for your great feedback @David_Haynes. My gut still tells me the original crop is the correct one for my aesthetic. Likely, because I have several other photos from that day that isolate the large rock in the water and so that wasn’t my intent with this photo.

I struggle with feedback on this site sometimes, especially when others can articulate their criticisms and I can only respond with nothing more concrete than “it feels right to me.” I suspect that both are valid and, obviously, the final decision lies with me.

Hey! Love, the crap that you went with your actually because it makes the main subject that I goes too much more pronounce an easier to find. Without the crop it kind of leaves me searching for what I’m actually looking for. Great job with the line of the water going directly to the main subject. Excellent shot!

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I know that you were doing for a darker and moody image, but I feel like the sea stack and the hillside on the left side of the frame are a bit too dark and tend to pull my eye. I wonder if you were using a grad filter? I saw the crop suggestion and think that works, although I still feel like it would help to lighten the sea stack a bit more. Otherwise, I like your composition together with the energy in the foreground water.

I still favor the original post. The crop is not working for me. I think I’m the only one though so take that for what it’s worth. :slight_smile:

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No, @David_Haynes , you’re not the only one :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seeing the two crops side by side, I now prefer the original one, David. Thanks for experimenting.

Boy, your comment about feeling inadequate at articulating feedback really resonates with me! I love the feedback I receive in NPN but never feel like I have anything actually constructive to offer others.

BTW, I actually think I prefer the original crop as well. The wider view makes me feel like I’m more in the landscape, which is something that is a major motivation in my own compositions.

Welll done on the B&W conversion.