I was in Rocky Mountain National Park looking for elk at sunrise, but found nothing but fog. I climbed high in the tundra and found myself above the clouds with the sun just breaking through. The view looked like a slow exposure of turbulant ocean, going on forever. This is a crop of a larger image with other mountain tops peaking through, but I went for the minimal composition.
Specific Feedback Requested
Please comment on aesthetic and technical aspects. All suggestions welcome.
Looks like there is some banding or jpg artifacts going on in the sky especially above the dark hill and near the sun. You either pushed it too much in post or edited a jpg instead of a RAW… or something else entirely, hard to say!
Overall I like the scene… very simple!
Your JPEG file is only about 250KB, but the pixel dimensions are 4956x5065. That indicates it was saved at a VERY low quality. Sizing at about 2000 pixels on the long edge and creating a jpeg that is about 800KB - 1000KB should create a much better looking image.
Matthew, Oh my, what a stunning image! Glorious would be another term.
The clouds could be their own subject as well as the rising sun. And I think the mountain peak coming through kinda ties it all together. Fabulous image.
I didn’t notice right away, but agree with Matt and Keith on the resolution thing. Not sure if you’re uploaded the low rez intentially to keep image quality low because of theft or misuse? I get that, but I’ve come to learn that I’m not worried about that and will upload at least a high enough rez image so that little artifacts like this don’t show up. Of course I don’t know that’s your reasoning… but just concurring wih the others on the banding. But for sure, I’m still able to enjoy and the impact of this beauty is not impaired!
Thanks, Lon and everyone for your comments. I’m having some trouble turning my huge ARW files into JPEGs small enough to attach but big enough to see. I’m working on it.
Meantime: Here is a link to the source image and the crop. I like the crop, but would be interested to know your opinions.
I don’t know what post processing software you are using, but maybe this article that I wrote quite some time ago will help. It talks about saving for Web use using LightRoom or Photoshop and various options in either to properly save a jpeg image for use on NPN or other web based platform.
One cant help but enjoy the pure beauty of this - except for the pixel issues raised
Not that I necessarily recommend it , but I wonder how a landscape view would be ? ( top half )