Saving Images for Web Presentation and Embedding the sRGB Color Profile

On many occasions we see images posted here and on other web platforms where the colors of the image seem off. Sometimes it is because the colors are really off, and other times it is because the image wasn’t prepared properly to maximize the color accuracy across web platforms.

Images shared on a web platform should be converted to the sRGB color space, have the sRGB color profile embedded in the image.

Here is a link to document I created several years ago for NPN and am sharing it again to help with the problem if it is something that has caused your images to not display as desired.

Hope it is helpful.

Saving Images for the Web


Excellent information. And one of the nice features of a LR-based workflow is that you can save the export settings with the best parameters for different web-based uses. I have the settings saved for NPN and it’s just a matter of clicking on that preset and hitting Export. LR does the color space conversion, resizing and the specified output sharpening with excellent parameters.

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Great information, Keith. Thanks so much for sharing it with NPN. I am curious if from your experience with these 4 options, do feel that one option works best in representing the images better than the others?

Thank you Keith…Jim