Juvenile nuthatch on a rock not a bird on a stick

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


There were two or three juvenile nuthatches spending some time around my fountain last week but unfortunately they are long gone. A nice place to stop for them any good subject for me.

Specific Feedback

I darkened the rock to make the bird stand out a little better

Technical Details

ISO 6400, 200 to 600+1.4 X at 840 mm equivalent, F9, 2000th, Sony A1, fill flash

Isn’t the awkward age fun? I like the tentative pose and the smudged plumage of youth. I miss the red-breasted ones since we don’t get them in the yard like we did in NH, just the white. Superb detail, especially in the face. The rock is a bit unusual for birds, but if it’s near water it serves well. You could crop some off the bottom without doing any damage I think.

Very nice, David. That early plumage looks so ratty. Its interesting how some species are that way and others like the chickadees and some of the sparrows are so neat and trim as juveniles.

I like the darkened rock, but since it goes out of focus as it goes down, I can see removing some of it. However very much would make it difficult to retain a decent composition.

Very nice – good sharpness, detail and lighting. Lovely BG! I agree with @Kris_Smith that you could crop out quite a bit of the rock and the masking around the left edge needs some smoothing.

What a scruffy but cute fellow! Nice details and color on the bird. Good background too. Agree with cropping some from the bottom and smoothing the left edge of the rock. One of my favorite birds - thanks for sharing with us!