Juvenile Spotted Towhee

I finally got back to my blind this morning and it was a morning of juveniles. Tons of juvenile Juncos and this Towhee to cap it off made it a nice morning. After one completely unproductive visit, this bird came back and gave me a few fleeting opportunities including this trip to one of my pools.

Specific Feedback Requested

I did lots of cleanup on the background in this one and reduced exposure of the background generally with respect to the bird as well as burning it in places. Too much? Not enough?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
A7Riv, FE200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 596 mm, tripod with gimbal head, f/9, 1/200, iso 2500, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Full frame. Lots of adjustments to the background to mellow it out and remove debris. Minor exposure tweaks and feather enhancement on the bird. Taken this morning at 9:27 AM under overcast skies (a welcome relief from the 100+ temperatures of Saturday-Monday).

Hi Dennis, nice details on the bird and your post processing looks good to me. A lovely setting - really like the mossy green rocks the bird is perched on. The central lighter out of focus foreground rock is a bit distracting to my eye. Nicely done.

Wonderful catch! I’ve never seen a juvenile. I think all your processing paid off very well – my only thought is to further darken the lighter stuff in the UL corner.

Pleasing natural appearance on the setting. The bird itself is superb with respect to color, detail, and pose.

Really like your set up, Dennis and the Towhee looks marvelous. I can’t see any artifacts from the cleanup you mention. Could possibly be a smidge brighter? Excellent work.

Hi Dennis
I think you balanced the contract nicely in this photograph. The soft lighting on the Towhee work to bring out the bird coloring and detail. Nice work.

Dennis, as always, I enjoy seeing your backyard setup and your lovely bird pictures. Wonderful details in the bird, and I love his slight head turn.