Taken yesterday under cloudy skies. From my bedroom window. The parents are also around but have been less cooperative.
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Technical Details
iso 1600, 200-600 at 600, f7.1, 2000th, 65% full frame, Sony A1
Taken yesterday under cloudy skies. From my bedroom window. The parents are also around but have been less cooperative.
iso 1600, 200-600 at 600, f7.1, 2000th, 65% full frame, Sony A1
I’ve never seen a juvenile Towhee, David. You have a nice perch and background for shooting out your bedroom window! Nicely done,
Hi David, nice catch with a great look at that sharp eye and good feather detail. I like the rendition of brown in this image - definitely says juvie. Pleasing background too.
Excellent, David. I like the juvenile plumage and you caught a very nice pose.