Spotted Towhee

In a tree. Note the shadow on the neck.

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Is this a composite: No
iso 1250, 300, f4.5, 1000th, D850, handheld, heavily shaded, 50% full frame

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Wonderful sharpness in a lovely setting! Looks like this one has a modeling career ahead.

Composition and OOF background are spot on, David. What caught my eye was the bird’s eye. Is so Intense and focused on something.Nicely seen and captured.

Excellent, David. Beautiful detail and a very nice pose. I’ve only had one I know of coming into my feeder area and it’s so skittish I haven’t gotten a decent shot thus far this winter.

A dandy photo of the Towhee. I like the perch and the way you have used it for framing the bird. I have never seen a Towhee with this mottled look before. Interesting. The eye and fine feather detail stand out nicely.

Excellent image, David ! I like everything about it. Scrolling down a little bit, I noticed that I would be tempted to take a tiny bit of the upper part, basically above the highest green/back moss on the most-right twig (hope I am clear). Very nice shot ! Cheers, Hans