

The Killdeer seem to like to hang out on the close cropped lawn of the property at the end of our little road. I think it’s the soil type which transitions from glacial outflow river gravel bar to sandy-loam alluvial soil about there. I counted 13 of them on their property the other day. This was taken yesterday when there were only half a dozen or so. I tried getting lower, but they didn’t like me leaving the vehicle-even on the off side.

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Sony A1, FE200-600 + 1.3 TC @ 840 mm, hand held, f/9, 1/1600, iso 2000, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 6939x4933. Taken yesterday at 8:21 AM.

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Really nice job on the color, detail, pose, DOF, and point of view. There is a small dark out of focus area in the grasses just in front of the breast and I would clone that away as it pulls my eye. Looks like you’re enjoying your new toy.

I love watching these guys and envy your opportunity, but since you bring us such great shots I think I can live with it. Agree about the OOF dark bit - it could go and make the image stronger. Great sharpness in the face and the eye color is so rich.

Thanks @David_Schoen for pointing out that dark blob. I didn’t even notice it.

A lovely shot with very nice detail and a color-coordinated BG. I’m not a fan of negative space and would crop a little from the top and right. It feels like the bird is occupying half the frame with nothing to balance it.

The one’s I’ve tried to shoot all seem very shy.

Hi Dennis
The angle looks good to me. The only thing, I think you could look, at is blurring the in focus grass to the right of the Killdeer, this should keep my eye on the Killdeer not the in focus grass. Nice work.