Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
As I wait impatiently for butterflies to appear, at least a chilly Spring is starting to bring some good flowers to view. Today many camellia blooms (all red) adorned the bushes around our town. Recent showers helped. The weather was overcast.
Specific Feedback
I would ask fellow-stackers with eagle eyes to address any issues here . Thank you.
Technical Details
OM-1 & 60mm macro 1/100 f5 ISO 200 diffused flash . 7 shots bracketed in-camera. Handheld.
TIFFS processed in Zerene, then DMAP stack opened in Photoshop. Bits and pieces removed from BG, and brightness reduced in leaves and BG separately. Finally selected flower, then desaturated and sharpened it some more.