La Jolla Storm Break

Storm looked like it was breaking and went down to shore. I’m not sure a focus point is clear, the blue sky breaking through or the sun starting to backlight the rain that was still falling. I thought about emphasizing the sun area with a luminosity mask and increasing the glow. Any comments are appreciated.

This is the photo that should have gone with my previous post.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Fuji x-T2. 19mm with 16-55mm F2.8 lens; 1.5 sec @ f22; iso 200

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Lovely image, no question. I like the texture in the foreground sand and the way the curve in the rocks directs my eye outward. It’s a dark picture and I love the brooding quality. Your notion to bring up the luminosity of the sun is a good one I think and perhaps bring down the highlights in the clouds on the far left a bit (or maybe just a bit more vignetting in the upper left corner.) I feel like the upper left corner is a little too bright and draws my eye to leave the frame but I think a minor tweak could resolve that. Really, a fine image. The textures and light are compelling.

I like the mood of this image. The composition is very good. The water channel and the rocks move the eye into the image and the middle ground rocks keep you moving into the background. I don’t know what I would change. This gives you the feeling of a storm just clearing or just coming. Fine image.

Real nice image, Craig. Great mood to it, dark yet clearing. I would agree with Kerry about burning down the bright cloud a bit, but pretty dang minor. Good stuff here.

Thank you all for the comments. Bringing down the brightness of the corner clouds now keeps my eye going in the direction I had wanted.

I’m not sure you need a specific focus with this. My eye sort of follow the water in to the light in the sky in the back and takes in the textures and colors along the way. It holds my interest quite well.


This is an excellent seascape simply as presented. As mentioned by others, I like the lead-in of the open channel at the bottom. You’ve got a solid composition with near, mid, and background (stormy sky.)

If it were mine, I would pursue that. You could really draw attention and make the sun area and squall on the horizon the main subject by just tweaking it a little; whether it’s a bit of a glow effect or simply boosting the saturation. I think you have enough room of believability to do so.


Thank you all for your input. It clarifies the direction I want to go with this image. Now I’ll see how the proofs look and adjust from there. I incorporated some changes in this image revision.

I also went back and used Capture One 12 to convert my raw fuji file to a tiff as that program seems to do better with my Fuji files. I then applied the same global and local type of adjustments in LR. I like this version better. But proofs generate some further adjustments and I’m trying a new to me metallic paper from Red River instead of my normal Ilford Gold Fibre Silk.