I’m still trying to understand what is the best way to keep doing open view landscape ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), and trying to keep soft and harmonious the image at the same time: I can say the movement you perform when you are shooting matters, in this case it was a sort of swing (like playing golf) and avoid strong line doubling. I’ve worked on colors to emphasizes the global feeling and keep it as a impressionist painting before observer’s eyes.
Nicely done Matteo. This indeed has a very painterly feel, I see you golf swing is in fine form
People tend to have fairly subjective reactions to ICM images. For me, this image successfully straddles the line between a pure abstract, and a recognizable landscape scene, which adds to the painterly feel. I think the composition is fairly well balanced, my only wish is that was a bit more blue sky above the cloud in the upper right corner. But with ICM, controlling those type of things is nearly impossible. My other suggestion would be add some warming locally to the two mountains, while retaining the coolness in the sky.
Matteo, I will preface this by saying I am not an ICM guy. With this one, I get the painterly look attempt, but I find the image has a disturbing feel of movement in the blur more than the look of say an impressionist painting. The colors and overall scene work well for it, but the ICM look is not working for me. One guy’s honest thoughts…
Hey Matteo! I like the concept here, and the color processing is really good too. However, I’m having a bit of a tough time with the movement in this particular instance. I think the problem is that for me, the image is not abstract enough for my mind to interpret it as something other than a blurry landscape photo. Admittedly, it is a hard balance to strike. If you could find a way to push the abstraction a bit further (perhaps by adding more blur to this image in post, or with longer exposures/more movement in future images), that may make it more feasible for me to suspend reality enough to appreciate the abstraction you are going for.
Welcome aboard Matteo. I’m just running into your ICM image and wanted to comment. I agree with [quote=“Nick_Becker, post:4, topic:18557”]
the image is not abstract enough for my mind to interpret it as something other than a blurry landscape photo.
[/quote]. I have only done a few, the first by accident, but going for abstraction or surrealism with ICM has always been better approach for me. You can try for impressionistic in post processing with softness, smoothness, and detail sliders perhaps. For ICM I have used quick and jerky movements and almost always with the camera on a tripod. Lots of mind engaging fun in post processing too. Good luck with this intriguing format. Have you played with darkening your image and mixing up the saturation on the colors and tones ? You will most likely lose “Impressionistic” but may start to see “Surrealism” I think I’ll now have to post one of my ICM images and see what NPNers think.
Thanks a lot for the comment from everyone of you, and I’m happy of your thoughts. Yes, I also feel harder to understand the right movement to shoot ICM, but I’m actually following two ways: one is more abstract and limited to details of some portion of a scene, the other is referred to open landscape and this is the one more challenging for me. I’m happy of any advice, also the ones related to post processing and is fine for me trying new solutions.